Who We Are
The Automotive Specialties Group is an organization of professional appraisers representing significant experience with all types of specialty vehicles. Our mission is to foster the public trust of our members and the appraisal profession through compliance with the highest levels of ethical and professional standards.
Appraisals are essential for insurance valuations, bank or other loan verification, personal property taxes and valuation disputes.
Our Accredited Members and Accredited Senior Appraisers of the American Society of Appraisers are among those that clients trust the most. Three-quarters of a century in appraisal education counts when you desire the finest service in automotive specialties appraising.
About Auto Appraisers
There are many self-titled appraisers, however, only those individuals who have invested the time and possess the temperament, experience and knowledge necessary to receive the American Society of Appraisers (ASA) designation are accredited as professional appraisers. An ASA personal property appraiser is a trained, objective, ethical individual the public can rely on to provide a competent, fair assessment of value.
An ASA personal property appraiser follows the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) as well as the Society’s Code of Ethics to identify and value objects based on the appraiser's training, experience and accreditation.
ASA is the acknowledged leader in personal property appraising and includes members who perform appraisals for various purposes such as sale, acquisition, taxes, estate planning and automotive specialties. ASA is the largest, multi-disciplined valuation professional organization in the world with more than 5,000 members.

The professional automotive appraisers who are members of The Automotive Specialties Group

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Vehicle Valuation Services
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